Review of my fiction novel titled "The Colourful Drama of Emotions"


“Thought-provoking, brilliant, distinctive, and beautifully written novel”. A seminal piece of great story telling. In a unique and interesting way, the author has personified emotions and has presented us a love story between HUMOUR, [represented by Smile] and HESITATION, [represented by Calmness].

Through acronyms like GODs, represented by good people like PEACE, LOVE, TRUST, HAPPINESS, JOY, HOPE, INTEGRITY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, EMPATHY etc and DOGs represented by deadly people like ANGER, JEALOUSLY, SELFISHNESS, VIOLENCE,CRUELTY etc, the author, raises various contemporary issues plaguing our society and prescribes solutions to it.

Each characters in the story has been perfectly described, plotted, well-researched. Proverbs used are so innovative and realistic, it touches the heart.

Novel highlights the importance of PEACE in the society whose position has been captured by DECEIT who in collaboration with FRAUD , DISTRUST and DISHONESTY, JEALOUSLY has relegated FAITH, HONESTY and GOODNESS, so essential for survival of any society, to the background. It warns against the evil and dangerous consequences of PRIDE and emphasizes on the importance of FUN, HUMOUR and healing touch of HOPE. Everywhere, NEGATIVISM & PESSIMISM are being spread by TENSION & DEPRESSION which can only be countered by OPTIMISM, led by FAITH & BELIEF.

Use of satire, creative imaginations, focus on core human values and emotions, beautifully crafted into interesting characters as well as audacity to question and break the shackles of prevailing stereotypes in society, makes the novel more enthralling, realistic, visionary and attractive.

It emphasizes on the colour of GREY, a compromise or middle path between BLACK & WHITE, the most potent, need of the hour. Very beautifully, the novel, sends the message of spreading “LOVE” everywhere as it has the capacity to make everything beautiful and attractive. 

I was spellbound by the story. I Loved reading it. A Must Read for All…


The link of the novel which is available on Amazon is as follows:

The kindle version of the novel can be found at

Hope you enjoy reading it!!!


  1. A must read novel for all.

  2. It's a fiction novel with human emotions as characters instead of human as characters.

    The present status of the society and clashes of our own emotions has been depicted in a humorous way in the form of story.

  3. Beautifully written. Spellbound by your impressive way of writing.😍😍


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