Hate Letter

Hate Letter


Our country India is such a wonderful land. Why the hell did you come here to spoil its beauty and peace? I am just fed up with you and the problems you have created ever since you came to existence. On top of it, day by day the problems you are creating are increasing at a much faster rate which is too much for any land to bear. India too is retaliating and you must take this clue seriously. Who asked you to take birth in this country? Do you feel there is any great thing you can contribute to, positively except for re-producing more male child? But, that too you can’t even guarantee a male birth. Just imagine, just for one precious male child, the entire society has to endure through the entire process of nurturing you till you come at your reproducing age.

During the process of your pre-birth if you could have successfully managed to take the Y chromosome from the father and become a boy, your life would have been an asset. But Alas! You didn’t manage that and as a result some useless female has to carry you for 9 whole months just to get the news that the new born is a female-the entire 9 months care went to vain! Do you ever realize that?  The entire process could just have been avoided, had it been old days but the holy government has taken the initiative to declare sex determination an unpardonable offence. So, the process to try for a cute little boy has to be started afresh. Don’t you feel ashamed at your own birth? Don’t you realize ‘Lakshmi aayi hai, Parvati aayi hai’ are just stuff to console the depressed parents that next time a ‘Kanha’ would definitely visit and it is all the past sins that is resulting all these troubles of being a parent of a girl.

As you grow up, now you want to go to school and college as well. I mean look at the audacity of yours. You could at least stay at home and the family could save a few bugs if you do the household work, but you show your tantrums there too. In the earlier days rules were simple and clear and jobs were well defined and that created no problem. The concept of equality is too bogus a concept and must be thoroughly banned. You should be grateful to have been given the opportunity to take birth, so you should know your limits. You must understand you are a slave and a reproductive tool and should behave like one.

Who taught you to have an opinion, to think, to shout, and to feel angry? Are you trying to equate yourselves with the males? Oh my God. Look at you. Didn’t you slap yourself 10 times before even daring to think in that direction? First of all you are taking up the seats of these males in schools, colleges and in jobs and this reservation practice has always been against the boys’ community; second you want yourself to be heard? Who do you think has even a minute to waste to hear to your idea or opinion? Your ideal opinion should be what the males think and what they want you to think and that’s all!

You have dared to talk about your identity and all. Our history emphasizes the fact that females are always known with the associated male identity. Males give their sir names to you should be grateful to them and you must carry them with esteem. Your life is on the societal mercy and you must follow the norms laid by the society which are for your betterment. Only thing the society wants from you is your chastity. The clean character female is every male’s demand and you can’t just run away giving the excuse that males are the one who stains the character of females. You have to protect your own chastity by whatever means you can. You have to take the necessary steps that will make you less appealing/inviting to men. If you fail to do that then it clearly indicates that you too are somewhere interested in the process and your sexual desires are overpowering you and you then have to own the entire responsibility to be objectified.

Some of you who are decent ones do not opt for higher education and get settled-that means marry and become mother. They consider satisfying the needs of the family and husband as the ultimate goal. That is what you are capable enough of doing and that is what you should be doing. You want job? Look poor males are already facing job crises and you want to earn in equal amount? This is too much. You will ultimately marry someone with a higher salary, so why to create a competitive environment amongst the males? You now want to keep your babies in crèche. Your insensitivity has reached to extremes. To let the poor child stay in a daycare without his mother around can never be acceptable. If the child is a girl, then you can teach her to manage her own work, but how can you expect a boy child to do so. The precious little boy is the apple of the eyes for the entire generation. You have to be around him to fulfill all his demands, till the time he chooses not to involve you in his own business. The poor papa would come home and won’t even get hot chapattis. Is this he got married to a useless fellow like you?

The worst practice that has cropped up is the abolishment of the ‘sati pratha’. It was the best practice ever made which even carried a scientific logic to it too. What is the need for you to waste society’s resources after the death of your husbands, when you can’t produce? Widowed are the most inauspicious; their ill-fate caused by losing their husband makes them totally unaccepted and it is undoubtedly better that ways. Why to invite ill-omen by involving them into anything auspicious. Some of these try to change their fortune by remarrying, thus spoiling the life of the men. It’s like owning a second hand car with all used up parts.

Societal norms are not very hard to digest particularly those which have been framed centuries ago.  They are still kept alive and there is relevance and logic in it too. Child marriages were such an awesome practice which safely hand-over you female to a male fellow and there was no question of rape and molestations.

Moreover, I absolutely do not know what to say at the dresses you wear-jeans which expose the shape of your legs. Poor males get diverted and then you blame only them. In fact you females have made the males so pervert that they are molesting the small girls also. Not that these have any better option to do but then don’t blame men. It is the ultimate destiny for you to be raped-either by an unknown or by a known husband. If you could satisfy your husband you could become a good wife and if you can satisfy an unknown you become a good prostitute and if you can’t satisfy anyone then you are an absolutely a ‘good for nothing’ fellow.

Just have a look of what you are wearing. If you are overweight feel guilty, and try to cover your hefty body with clothes because you have no right to show your hefty body to the society which will please none. Your clothes can be the cause of arousal of some men and then you completely lose the right to blame them. God made them so and just like any beautiful object is admired and wished to be possessed, you are also wished the same. Yes, you heard it right. Your stature is that of an object- valued only because of your beauty or other skills which definitely do not include brain.

After marriage you want to look after your parents. They have donated you to someone other (kanya daan) and you are not their property. You are at the disposal of your husband and you should behave like a subdued fellow. If you want same status of yours in your in-laws parents as your husband get in yours you are again doing the blunder of comparison. Why doesn’t this fact get clear to you that husbands are your Gods. You shouldn’t be constantly wishing to go to your parent’s house. That’s not something really demanded of you. And your parents have already bowed down to your husband and to the entire society at large because they have you in their fate.

Some of you question on the age old tradition of applying vermillion (sindoor) and wearing mangalsultra? The only clear logic of doing so is to conceal the fact that you are married? Again, what is the need for doing so? So that other men do not fall into the trap and fall for you? And who will be benefited from that? None- I presume. So, why to create unnecessary confusions by playing with the emotions of men? Of course, the equality concept stands strongly rejected here for very obvious reasons.

Society has divided you girls into 4 strong groups- baby girls, adolescent girls (unmarried), women married and women widowed. You must choose a particular group and respect the demarcation between these groups and do not try to act smart and make a united club. You must learn to hate women as well especially the 4th category ones-so that they perish away as fast as they can.

Some of the women commission females argue against dowry system. What is the harm in taking dowry? Girls are like liabilities and when a liability is transferred, some cost has to borne. I mean, who do you think will readily own a useless thing? There has to be a suitable compensation. Sometimes these compensations are monetary while rest of the times it may be through slaps and abuses I am definitely not exaggerating it too much. This is the minimum price that you are supposed to pay and there is no harm in it. Just imagine the cost borne by you in your lifetime. Isn’t the amount a mere sum?

Some females have gone beyond all limits and think they lead the life of a so called ‘modern’ girl. The society has rightly labeled them as bad girls and cheap girls. These cheap girls may be source of fun and entertainment for boys but definitely they are the most unwanted ones as far as marriage materials are considered.

How many problems should I record here? The list is endless. Don’t you have even an iota of self-respect left with you or do you want more humiliation? Why don’t you realize what the society wants to say to you, “Just get lost and make this earth a GIRL- FREE-ZONE”

Yours faithfully,


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